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Galapagos: Realm of Giant Sharks HD
Facts: The Galapagos Shark
Galapagos Shark eating a Galapagos Sea Lion
Tagging a whale shark in Galapagos
SWIMMING with 50+ SHARKS!! Galapagos Islands
Sea Lions vs Galapagos Sharks Hunting Brawl I Behind the Scenes | Blue Planet II I BBC Earth
Swimming with Sharks in The Galapagos
Orcas team up to take down hammerhead shark in Galapagos
This Prehistoric Giant Was The Size of a Minivan
Hammerhead Sharks' Complex Mating Rituals | BBC Earth
Incredible whale shark encounter in the Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Islands Cruise Part 2! Hammerhead Sharks AND Eagle Rays Snorkeling